
dartalis provides reliable solutions to secure your valuable assets and enables you to face business challenges efficiently.

dartalis has built partnerships with a multitude of vendors to be able to advise and propose the best alternatives to its customers. We apply a holistic approach on todays security challenges. For this purpose dartalis has regrouped its information security solutions into three pillars:

User ExperienceUser Experience

User Experience

Protecting your users - on premise and mobile - from potential threats is a key element to limit risks for your business.

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Application SecurityApplication Security

Application Security

Today application and data are not necessarily behind safe boundaries, your security policy has to apply regardless of the application location.

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Datacenter SecurityDatacenter Security

Datacenter Security

We turn technology into enterprise solution by designing, integrating and supporting customized solutions answering your unique information technology issues.

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Campus Contern
Bâtiment Colibri
19 Rue Edmond Reuter
L - 5326 Contern
Phone : +352 267 469 200